tesg's big dumb movies
just like going yourself. only not.
Monday, August 13, 2012
The Campaign (2012)
R -
85 min
tesg's Rating:
Two and one half stars (out of four)
Typical dumb Will Ferrell comedy with at least a few laugh out loud stupid moments. That's about all I can ask of the guy, "Stranger than Fiction" aside.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
The Bourne Legacy (2012)
PG13 -
135 min
tesg's Rating:
Two and one half stars (out of four)
It's fine, the two and a quarter hours go by quickly, and there's pretty much everything you'd expect.
Trouble is, nothing is unexpected. There's nothing new to this and the whole thing feels tired.
Did you know that every car in the Philippines is a Toyota? Me neither.
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